How the Good Mother / Good Father Archetype is Blocking Your Intimacy
This week's podcast is a juicy one. I was feeling inspired by a new book that is soon to be available on shelves - the Good Mother Myth: Unlearning our Bad Ideas about Being a Good Mother by Nancy Ruddy. It got me thinking about all the ways that being a "good mother" and yes even a "good father" block our ability to have great sex.
Good mothers give everything of themselves to everyone else.
Good mothers put themselves last
Good mothers don't have needs or desires of their own
Good mothers are always calm, always composed, always perfect.
Good fathers are stoic and unemotional.
Good fathers are providers and protectors.
Good fathers are in charge of their household and keep their wife and kids "in check". I don't think you have to be a rocket scientist to see how reaching for these ideals (consciously or unconsciously) can get in the way of your ability to oh I don't know:
have needs
enjoy pleasure beyond reproduction
open with vulnerability to each other
lean into to rest, pleasure and relaxation
And so much more.
I break it all down in this week's episode. I really look forward to hearing what catches for you and how it lands.