Day 7 - Ugh - I wham Bam Thank you Ma'amed Myself
Whelp - here we are. 7 days in to my challenge. I knew the weekend was going to be harder cause the kids are around and it’s more challenging to get time alone. I also got my period a week earlier than I expected - she’s so sneaky - and it was really interesting to process my feelings around that. I did though keep up with my elemental meditations - I am quite enjoying them.
All week I’ve been sitting with how I feel about masturbating while on my period. In the past, I’ve never had a huge issue with period sex, but it’s not been my favorite either - but something about touching myself with my own fingers while bleeding was hard for me to wrap my head around. Especially since my flow is way heavier than it was before baby - like I’ve never used a Super tampon in my life and now they are my go-to.
Friday and Saturday I vowed to go for it anyway, lay down a towel and just dive in - the sex scientist in me thought it would be interesting to push this comfort zone a little bit and get curious about how it might feel. I was really liking the idea of emotional and energetic release while my body is physically clearing itself too. But alas, privacy logistics got it the way and it didn’t happen.
This morning I had a moment but was also tired so I met myself half-way and didn’t do a full intentional masturbation session, just a regular old touch yourself and finish session. It was lovely, and so was the orgasm, but I gotta say, the whole thing was a lot less memorable than the other sessions this week. It was - fine - but not magical. I barely even really remember what I was thinking, how it felt, or what happened afterward. It just sort of was.
This is fascinating to me - and in many ways proves my point. When I take the time to be intentional about my touch, to focus on it, to slow things down, so much more opens up, so much more becomes possible. I mean, I haven’t even had any major energetic or emotional releases so far in this 30-day experiment. Which, let me tell you, is a whole other thing. But the sessions I had earlier this week were WAY higher quality than today.
Let’s see what unfolds next week.