Are you ready to love yourself whole?
Coaching for Womxn
So.. here you are are. That little voice in the back of your mind has been nagging you about your sex life and Google has led you here. Welcome! Your Vagina is thanking you already.
Does any of this sound familiar?
I’m so tired of the same old sex with my partner
Sex is pretty good but kinda meh
I love my partner but just don’t feel that connected to him/ her lately. I’m craving something more.
I’m never in the mood, sex is such a chore
Ever since the baby my body doesn’t look and feel the same anymore. It’s not working the way it used to.
Ever since my breakup I just can’t seem to orgasm the same way, not even on my own
I just can’t get out of my head during sex
Menopause is changing my vagina, what do I do?
Maybe these thoughts are just whispers right now, or maybe you are frustrated to tears just thinking about them – either way, you are not alone and you CAN do something about it.
The Happy Vagina Project is a sexual empowerment program designed to get you to BFF status with your lady bits. Your vagina is your second heart. It is your very core, and chances are, if you are like 75% of women, you are not on good terms with her (your V that is). When we are disconnected from our pleasure power it seeps into every part of our life. It holds us back from shining our radiant selves onto the world.
It’s time to make up – with your Vagina.
What does being best friends with your vagina look like? It means knowing her inside and out. Her likes and dislikes. It means spending quality time with her, it means healing old wounds, and creating new experiences together.
As a sex coach I can offer the tools to make friends with your vagina and unlock your most radiant self.
How to get out of your head and into your heart to experience more pleasure and connection
How to map your unique sexual fingerprint and connect
An anatomy lesson like no other to give a full understanding of female pleasure and the over 11 kinds of orgasms your body can experience
How to connect more deeply with your partner to experience greater intimacy
How to get comfortable asking for what you need
How to connect with pleasure in all areas of your life
Centuries-old techniques for releasing trauma and healing the “demons” that are hold you back from your pleasure power
How to connect with your truest self so you can unleash her on the world.
What does it look like?
Coaching is about taking you from where you are today to where you want to be. As your coach I provide you with knowledge and tools to facilitate your own healing. I’m with you every step of the way, celebrating the wins, and cheerleading you through the tough parts.
I design a customized program based on your goals
We meet one-on-one (online or via Skype) for one hour per session.
Sessions are generally every 2-3 weeks.
Programs run a minimum of 4 sessions and up to 12.
Sessions are taught fully clothed. There is no sexual touching between practitioner and client. All sexual pleasure and healing techniques are taught using anatomically correct models.
I want to know more!
Send me an email to and we’ll get the ball rolling.
I always start with a free call to learn more about where you are at, fill you in on my approach and coaching options and we’ll explore if we’re a good fit to work together.
1:1 Coaching programs are 8 sessions (4 months) and cost $2000.00 Canadian.
Your future is waiting.
See you soon.