

Hey Doing it At Home Podcasters,

I’m so glad to see you here.

If you’ve arrived here I am sure you have some questions about sexuality during pregnancy or how to use Tantra tools to support your delivery.

I am a sexuality coach who works exclusively with mamas to support them in exploring and rejuvenating their sex life after baby. I know you don’t want to be one of those couples that never has sex again after you have a kid. I know you want to hold on to the woman you are through your motherhood. And I know you deserve both of those things.

At the Happy V we are all about coming back to the body and using our connection with our vagina as a tool to connect back to truest selves - while having some great sex a long the way.

So a few goodies for you.

On the podcast we talked briefly about how I believe that your pregnancy hormones are actually there to invite you to listen to your body more fully. They are trying to work for you not against you. Here’s a quick video I did to walk you through what I mean.

To learn more about Tantra and how I use it in my coaching watch below.

Free Reset Your Sex Life Mini Course

Whether you are early in your pregnancy considering birth options, or your little has just come into the world, talking about your evolving sex life is a big part of coming into your new life with kids. That’s why I created the Reset your Sex Life Mini Course. It’s perfect at any stage, pre-baby, immediately postpartum or even if you are 3 years into the parenting game.

Click the button below to grab your free copy of my Reset Your Sex Life (After Kids) Mini Course. 3 quick videos, all under 10 in packed with inspo and brain bending info. Learn my five step framework for hitting the reset button whether your kiddo was just born and you haven’t hit go on intercourse yet or it’s been a few years and things are feeling lacklustre.

Be sure to check out my resources page for links to all my best vids and blogs about libido, sexual communication, relationships and talking to your kids about sex.

Work with Me

Have you got a burning challenge with your sex life and you just need to talk to someone now?

Do you want some direct instruction on Tantra tools and how to use deeper energy healing to support you through pregnancy and labour?

Let’s chat!

Send me an email to sofia@thehappyvaginaproject.com.

I do free 30 min breakthrough sessions to talk about what’s going on and leave you with a few tangible tools to move forward.

I know you likely don’t have the space in your life for a full 6 month coaching commitment right now - and that is cool lady. I did not either when I was in your shoes. That’s why I like to offer short booster sessions. We meet for 80 minutes, dive deep into what’s going on for you, create a roadmap for moving forward and make sure you leave with the tools required to do the job. These sessions can be for couples or individuals.

Booster Sessions are 80 minutes and cost $275.00

Let’s get you set up to

  • communicate well with your partner as your sexual landscape changes

  • get on good terms with your vagina before, during and after delivery

  • have a roadmap for how to get back to sex in a way that is supportive of you and your partner

  • create a new mindset around sex that supports you to invite more play, creativity and pleasure - bring on the Os.

Send me a note if you are in!