I made a baby! And now its time to get back to business.

Hey all,

We are gearing up to get back in action and we are soo excited.

Maternity leave has been quite the ride. It is indeed the longest shortest time. Holding my newborn babe on my chest as I rested in a warm pool in my living room after 24 hours of labour feels like CENTURIES ago. And it’s only been 10 months. Since then I have made it through colic and reflux, a torn nipple (yes that hurts as much as you think), breastfeeding for HOURS, fatigue and frustration and also the most indescribable joy I have ever experienced.

If pregnancy was a lesson in how your body really is the boss, motherhood has been a lesson in mind over matter, going with the flow and trusting yourself. I have never been more aware of my emotional state and how your brain plays with you. I have been schooled - hard - in the art of letting the fuck go. Watching yourself lose your shit because your child will not sleep when the book said and realizing that all the anger and frustration and fear will melt if you just listen to yourself and your baby is a crazy experience. Oh you mean I can just change my mental state if I stop white knuckling the railing and trust myself? Ha! Who Knew?!

I’m not the first mother to have a patient husband walk in on me in bed surrounded by books, teary eyed because half of them say to do one thing and half of them say to do another. It really is true. You know what’s right for you and your baby.

Living these lessons on such a visceral level has been so powerful and has directly connected me to why I started the work of the Happy Vagina Project in the first place. Our body is the pathway to our emotions, our intuition, our deepest power and our truest self. We are in a constant and evolving relationship with our bodies - whether its your period, your pregnancy, your menopause, a sexual assault, or a peak experience in the sack - all of these transitions and turning points in our lives shift the relationship we have with our body and ourselves. Denying this is to our detriment. Owning the dialogue holds so much for us.

So what does that mean for Happy V?

My goal is to continue to make safe spaces for that dialogue - for you to have that conversation with yourself, with your partner(s). And for us to have that dialogue together so we can can shift the shame and negativity and make it easier to embrace pleasure and our sexual selves towards living a fuller version of ourselves.

Transitioning off matt leave is going to be an “interesting” process in our house. I’m working hard towards embracing what I am calling the summer clusterfuck as we figure out the new family schedule and flow.

A few pieces of housekeeping

1)I will be spending a lot more time in your inbox and on social media to create the space for dialogue, share tools, resources and insights. You can expect more videos, webinars and downloads - Woot! I’m learning Instagram so check me out there @thehappyvagina and I’ll still be on Facebook as well.

2) I will be opening up limited one-on one coaching spots (up to 4 folks) starting in late July. If you are interested in nabbing one please email me asap at sofia@thehappyvaginaproject.com and I can send you the details.

3) I want to get to know you better. What’s going on for you, what tools and support do you need? Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey. Everyone who shares will be entered into a draw for some Happy V Swag + a free membership to OMG Yes. You do NOT want to miss this.

4) If you live in Whitehorse I’ll be putting together some live events for the fall. More info to come soon.

I also have an online course in the works for you - for 2020 - maybe sooner.

I’m so excited to get back in action and can’t wait to connect with you all.

Talk soon.

- The Happy V


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Then there was the first time we tried .....