A V-Day Love Letter to My Vagina

Sofia - VDay Blog - for WEb .jpg

Any time of year is a great time of year to write a love letter. So why not write a love letter to your lovely Vagina on Vday. 


I know, I know What? A Love letter to my vagina?! Hear me out. 

Love letters, for me, are an opportunity to share gratitude and appreciation. To pause and think about the contributions a certain someone or something has made in your life and to thank them for it. They are also a chance to let your sultry seductive self out on paper. When was the last time you thought about what your vagina has done for you in your life, or what you have done for her?  When was the last time you seduced your pussy? What would happen it you tried? 

I'm willing to bet your vagina is a source of both a lot of pain and a lot of pleasure in your life. She's your ever-present companion; making herself known at least once a month as she goes through her cyclical purge, making herself known when she is desirous of touch and love, and making herself known when she is not happy with what we are putting her through.

She's your second heart. 

The canary in the coal mine.

When we build a good relationship with her, when we build trust and faith in her she rewards us in so many ways. So, in honour of valentines day I am writing a love letter to my VJJ. Check it out below. 


Want more V-Day inspiration?  Check out the  O.School VDay Blog hop. My fellow pleasure professionals are sharing their thoughts on love and sex. And be sure to check out O.School for all the sex-positive, queer-friendly, shame-free sex ed you can manage. 

Back to my love letter. Here goes....

Dear She-lah,

 (yes I did a vagina naming meditating thingy once and this is what she told me her name was) 

I know we haven't always been on the best of terms and I know we don't talk as often as we should. Despite some rocky times together I thought Valentine's day might be a great time to share a few things that have been on my mind lately. 

I'm sorry. 

I'm sorry I cursed you so much in grade 8 when we got our period. I'm sorry we had such a terrible time hiking the Chilkoot Trail when aunt flo was visiting. I kept shoving tampons into you despite your discomfort because I was afraid the bears would smell us. I know it made for a terrible time even though it's what we had to do. 

I'm sorry I didn't pay much attention to you in high school. Truth be told. I was always a little bit intimidated by you. I didn't know where to start- how you liked to be touched, how you would react, how I would react? I was afraid you so I shut you down. 

I'm sorry I dragged us through a lot of shitty sex in our 20s despite your sometimes very loud protests. I got very good at ignoring you and looking back I can see how it hurt us both. That moratorium we went through when you weren't happy - all the doctors that couldn't help us solve the pain you were feeling - that was because I didn't listen. I'm glad we found a way past that together. 

Thank you. 

Thank you for helping me to wake up and pay attention to my body's needs. 

Thank you for encouraging me to slow down and play in life. Thank you for teaching me that pleasure is valuable, that pleasure is important, and that pleasure is worthwhile.

Thank you for inviting me to explore you. The more time we spend together the more I truly appreciate the beauty of all your curves and folds. You are fucking sexy. No I mean it. You are! 

Thank you for helping me to listen to you better. To trust that you know what we need and that when I take the time to hear you, you can guide us to deeper connection and more pleasure and yummy gummy orgasms. 

Thank you for teaching me to release, to let go, to forgive, to move on. To feel my emotions. to get angry. To ask for what I want. 

Thank you for being nothing but yourself and for being patient with me as I learn to do the same.

Thank you for being willing to accept the challenge of growing a tiny human. I know it's a lot of work. I know you are being stretched - literally and emotionally - in so many ways. We are in this together. 

I love it when you ask me for you what you need. I love it when you respond with glee when we play together. I love it when you invite me to try new things, to go beyond my limits. I love how you feel beneath my fingers - so smooth and soft. I love how we are learning together. 

I love to hate you. 

But mostly. 

I love you. 

XOXOX - Sofia

Wanna write your own love letter to your V? Get cozy with a blank piece of paper and allow yourself to free write. 

If your vagina was your best friend (whether your relationship is rocky or rosy) what would you want to say to her?

If you are feeling super sultry you can back up your words with some action and schedule a valentine's day self-love fest. Need a juicy self-pleasure routine you can use to love up your vagina this valentine's day? Send me an email at Sofia@thehappyvaginaproject.com. I have a free gift for you. 

And, if you love talking Vaginas and learning about sexuality check out my regular stream at O.School on Thursdays from 4-5PM PST. I live stream awesomeness every week. Let me know what you wanna talk about. 





Facing the Cliff


You are not broken; your vagina is talking to you