Supporting moms to tackle lacklustre sex and low libido so they can find the spark in their relationship and in themselves after kids.

Supporting moms to tackle lacklustre sex and low libido so they can find the spark in their relationship and in themselves after kids.

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What is the Happy Vagina Project ?

What started as a quest for the mighty orgasm has become a movement of mamas finding the path back to their pleasure and themselves after childbirth and parenthood.

We believe that becoming BFFS with your vagina is the way back to your pleasure and yourself.

We believe that parenthood is a potent portal for transformation in our lives.

We believe that knowledge is power and the patriarchy has kept the path to our pleasure secret for too long.

We know that you are not broken. That your body knows what it needs, and that if we give you the tools to listen you can transform your sex life and your relationship.

We know this is not just YOUR problem to fix, sex is relational and you need the tools to work WITH your partner to build the sex life you both want together.

We believe that vulvas have faced violence and silence for far too long.

We believe everyone, and especially men, are part of the solution.

We believe by reclaiming the joy and pleasure in our lives we can resist the systems that keep us down and change the world.

We believe that every person has the right to fully express themselves as they are and to love who they want to love in safety.

We believe the orgasm gap must end for true equality in the world. 


Meet Sofia

Hey momma,

Have you ever had one of those friends who is totally TMI, like no topic is off limits, and she’s the go-to gal for all those things you don’t dare talk about with just anyone?

If you do - high fives. If you don’t, Hi - I’m Sofia. I am all of the above and totally dedicated to helping you get the sex, pleasure and relationship you want. Why?

Because I have been there. I spent a year at war with my vagina, spent my 20s searching for the grand orgasm, and have searched my fair number of bedrooms for love. Now as a mom I see so many woman navigating the tricky waters of mother/sexual creature with no help - and trust me - we all need a little help.

Along the way I found out that the keys to better sex are the keys to a better life and that listening to my V(ahem that’s code for vagina) made a happier Me.

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