Join the Happy Vagina Project and Burlesque Queen Chérie Coquette for a new six-week workshop. Explore and unleash the power and wisdom of your inner sexpot personalities using simple dance moves, costume play, and fun.
Inside every woman is combination of sensual personalities and archetypes. Together they are your inner sex pot. These personalities have different strengths and goals and their own unique set of guidance and support. The trouble is, for many women, most, if not all, of these personalities no longer have a voice on the committee that guides our inner knowing. You know, that committee in your head where fear, and confidence, work you, and mom you and all the other yous squabble over life decisions. Our society has shut down the full expression of female desires, and needs, as well as our connection to sensuality and the body. Feminine power and grace is inextricably linked with sexual and sensual power and grace. When we squash desire and sensuality we squash a core part of who we are - our feminine essence. In this way we are cut off from the power and the guidance of these archetypes and all they have to offer in supporting us to live our fullest life.
Your inner wild woman, she's got things to say, places to guide you and wisdom to offer that can help you take charge of your life and your goals with no regrets. Your inner goddess, she's your wise woman, serene, calm and confident in what she deserves. She will help you to stop enduring what doesn't serve and ask for you what you need. Your inner tease and girl next door have equal measures of knowledge and power to share. Are you listening?
I know sometimes...
- feeling safe and sexy in our bodies is challenging
- connecting to our libido, our desire, our joy de vivre in the fray of life can feel like an uphill battle
- making time for you, and connecting with who you are is not always simple
- thinking of ourselves as "not sexy" or worrrying that we will make an ass of ourselves trying is all too common
What if...
- you felt connected and comfortable in your body
- you could conjure your inner goddess or wild woman at will
- you could allow your libido, your desire and fire for life, to live awake and burning inside you
- you felt confident in your own unique version of sexuality
- you could give a lap dance with confidence
- you could live your life standing strong in the power and wisdom of all of these archetypes, and every other piece of yourself.
In this six week workshop we will explore and awaken our feminine essence by using burlesque dance and character development to unleash the girl next door, the femme fatale, the wild woman and the goddess within. Using classic dance moves, "peel" techniques and character play we will connect to and embody each of these sensual archetypes to wake them up and connect to the power and strength they can each offer.
Each week will consist of...
- a dance warm up
- a lesson and guided meditation on the archetype for that week
- basic burlesque dance moves and costume play that relate to that archetype
- play time to choreograph, embody and experiment with each archetype
- reflection time
- laughter, silliness, fun and a no expectations environment with 9 other amazing women
- an opportunity to dress up and play with costumes if you desire
No dance experience is necessary to participate
All dance moves are challenge by choice. You can peel as much or as little as you like.
Tuesday nights - 7PM-9PM
April 3- May 8 2018
Rooted Tree Massage and Yoga - 407 Black Street, Whitehorse Yukon
$259 per person - $199 early bird registration (before March 20)
Limited to 10 Participants
About the Instructors
Sofia Fortin
Sofia is the owner of the Happy Vagina Project and a passionate advocate for women's empowerment. She is on a mission to support women to connect with their innermost selves and to live their most authentic lives by unleashing their inner sex pots and finding their sexual voice.
Sofia is a Certified Authentic Tantra Coach and Sexual educator. She is a passionate and dynamic speaker who doesn't take herself too seriously and enjoys dropping the occasional F-Bomb. If a pregnant lady can strut learn to strut her stuff so can you!
Chérie Coquette
Burlesque artist and cabaret singer, Chérie Coquette will surprise you with her class and her naughty movements that evoke the glamour and class of 20-30-40’s. Always looking for new adventures, Chérie just moved to Whitehorse in the Yukon, She is now inspired by the Gold Rush era of the city. Her first performance in Whitehorse was at the Yukon ArtCenter for the show Onde de Choc.
Overall, she has produced 5 cabaret shows and performed with some big figures in the cabaret, burlesque and music community, like Judith Stein, Koston Kreme and Shy Shy Schullie. Silly and cute, she will entertain you with the sound of her voice and her exquisite movements
Chérie believes in the transformative power of burlesque. Over her years of teaching and performing she has witnessed how this fun and frisky dance style has opened women to long-buried sides of themselves and helped them to unleash a new confidence and swag.
You can follow Chérie and see what she's up to on Instagram @cheriecoquettecabaret or on